Wednesday 17 November 2010

LIIAR Interpretation of a double page spread (Q)

Language- The image is relatively dark considering the white background, the backdrop is identical to that of a Police Station's standing line this relates the band to criminals, the signs which have their names on not only lets you become familiar with the band, it's also similar to9 the mid-90s cartoon, Ed, Edd and Eddy which the demographic will remember

Ideology- The ideology is showing that crime is wrong, but done anyway, even if it is to look cool, this is visible with the band members typically indie dress sense while stood in a Police standing line

Institution- Q Magazine

Audience- The audience for this would be a young adult aged 16-24 from demographic B - D and fans of Indie music and/or Friendly Fires

Representation- The representation of the image is saying that underneath the bands public image they're probably not as rebellious as they really are as shown by the removing of masks with a confused expression.

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