Monday 6 December 2010


I've contacted my model that I am using for my Music Magazine, I will be taking the pictures later on in the week.

Thursday 18 November 2010


The magazine will cost £2.99 which is a reasonable price for Teenagers who are often on a tight budget, it will also be published on a fortnightly basis as this allows the target audience to buy every issue without many money problems, due to the lack of a teenagers income.

Target Audience

The target audience for my magazine will be aimed at teenagers aimed 14-19, with a demographic of C2-E, the target audience will primarily be fans of Rock music and Pop music, which is specifically popular with teenagers of this age. Statistics have shown that similar magazines such as NME and Kerrang primarily have attracted the male audience, with only approximately 25% of their demographic is female and just under half of which are students, I aim to achieve a similar demographic. The readership are also likely to do such activities like going out and parties, since the target audience is primarily teenagers who are in school and college they are less likely to be going to nightclubs due to being underage, however I understand that people of this age are far more likely to go to houseparties and regularly go out.

Identification and explanation of my Genre

For my music magazine my genre shall be Pop/Rock similar to Rolling Stone magazine, I have decided to pick this genre as it is a popular genre, with a crossover audience of fans of Pop music and fans of Rock music, this has been greatly successful in the past with the aforementioned Rolling Stone magazine.

Language - Dark colours with Alice Cooper naked at the bottom, as if the picture is saying "The naked truth" in an interivew with Alice Cooper, dark colours throughout with red to identify the pages.
Institution - Mojo
Ideology - Promoting the old rock and roll lifestyle to an audience more familiar with the time
Audience - Older audience between 25-45, Demographic of B - C1, fans of classic rock
Representation - Representating how the old rock and roll lifestyle isn't around anymore, this is visible with the tagline "Alice Cooper recalls those early 70s dietary requirements

Langauge - Main image with page numbers beside them, so readers can quickly access the page they're wanting, features and regulars are placed on either side of the pages so they're quickly accessible from the reader eye
Institution - Q Magazine
Ideology - Promotes the celebration of John Lennon's 70th Birthday, while promoting a rock and roll lifestyle
Audience - Beatles Fans, fans of classic rock music, Demographic B-C2, Young adults aged 20-35
Representation - Represents how times have changed, as the image of John Lennon on the left is quite formal and civil, whereas the images on the right are far more rock and roll.

LIIAR Interpretation of Contents Page (NME)

Language - Images of the Gallagher brothers on either side, commenting on the start of their world tour, contents on either side of the image, meaning that the attention is drawn towards the entire page due to the content being spread across it.

Ideology - Promotes the rock and roll lifestyle to their readers

Institution - NME

Audience - Teenagers aged 13-19, fans of Oasis and/or indie music, C2-E Social Class

Representation - The image shows Oasis who are a popular band, and are known for their rock and roll lifestyle in the Indie subculture, which is often pursued with their fans.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

LIIAR Interpretation of a double page spread (Q)

Language- The image is relatively dark considering the white background, the backdrop is identical to that of a Police Station's standing line this relates the band to criminals, the signs which have their names on not only lets you become familiar with the band, it's also similar to9 the mid-90s cartoon, Ed, Edd and Eddy which the demographic will remember

Ideology- The ideology is showing that crime is wrong, but done anyway, even if it is to look cool, this is visible with the band members typically indie dress sense while stood in a Police standing line

Institution- Q Magazine

Audience- The audience for this would be a young adult aged 16-24 from demographic B - D and fans of Indie music and/or Friendly Fires

Representation- The representation of the image is saying that underneath the bands public image they're probably not as rebellious as they really are as shown by the removing of masks with a confused expression.

LIIAR Interpretation of a double page spread (NME)

Language - Predominantly black and white, with Lily Allen wearing tartan clothing making her stand out more and appear individual, large bold text varying in sizes showing a rebelious way of life similar to the Punk movement

Ideology - The image is promoting rebellion and brutal honesty with people, this is apparent with the main headline talking about being honest, and the tartan colours which can be identified with Punk

Institution - NME Magazine

Audience - The image is aimed at fans of Lily Allen, young teenagers, primarily females aged between 13-19, Social class C2-E

Representation - Represents individualism and honesty to the press

LIIAR Interpretation of Double Page Spread (Kerrang)

Language - Large use of red, white and black. main image dark sepia tone
Ideology - Promotes a Rock and Roll lifestyle, while working hard in order to maintain a preconcieved image and staying on top
Institution - Kerrang Magazine
Audience - My Chemical Romance fans, people aged 13-19, social class C2-E
Representation - Represents the hardwork involved in being a rockstar

Thursday 11 November 2010

LIIAR of Third Magazine Cover

Language - Main Image, Masthead, Barcode, Price, Issue Number, Date, Banner, Anchorage, Ident, Logo, Puff
Institution - Kerrang Magazine, Bauer
Ideology - Promoting a rock and roll lifestyle, of sex, drugs and violence
Audience - Primarily young teens aged 13-19, fans of Heavy Metal, Social class C2 - E
Representation - Represents the success found in a potentially dangerous lifestyle

LIIAR of Second Magazine Cover

Langauge - Main Image, Masthead, Barcode, Price, Issue Number, Date, Banner, Anchorage, Ident, Logo, Puff

Institution -Q Magazine, Bauer

Ideology - Promoting female in rock music

Audience - C2 - B Social Class, Fans of classic rock music

Representation - Women being successful in a dominantly male business

Wednesday 10 November 2010

LIIAR of First Magazine Cover

Language - Main Image, Masthead, Barcode, Price, Issue Number, Date, Anchorage,

Institution - IPC Media, NME

Ideology- Music over health, the enemy to pop music

Audience - Teenagers, fans of indie music, C2 - E Social Class

Representation - Festivals, Rockstar lifestyle

Wednesday 3 November 2010

LIIAR Interpretation of the Brief

Language - Camera Angles, Colour Codes, Conventions, Layout, Splash, House Style
Institution - Q, NME, Metal Hammer, MixMag, Development Hell, Bauer, IPC, Future, EMAP
Ideology - Morals, Values, Messages, Aspirational
Audience - Age, Gender, Type, Social Class
Representation - Stylish Clothes, Lifestyles

Friday 8 October 2010

This is the template I have created to use for my Magazine cover, later today I shall get the shots of my model, and then apply them to the magazine cover. I have picked Purple in order to represent the Wyke colours.

Thursday 7 October 2010


Today I plan on meeting a friend in order to retake my model shots for the College Magazine, unfortunately I am unable to use the same Model due to his recent absence from college.

Language - Medium Closeup, Masthead, Main Cover Line, Main Image
Institution - Department for Children, Schools and Families,
Ideology - Promoting good education to teacher
Audience - Teachers
Representation - Students in Uniform and working hard in order to achieve

Language - Cover Lines , Main Images, Alternate Colours, Barcode
Institution - Dancehall College
Ideology - Showing you can look good and learn at the same time
Audience - College Students, Future Students, Parents, Investors
Representation - Student dressed stylishly while holding Law books showing he is an enthuesiastic student.

LIIAR Interpretation of the Brief

Language - Masthead is the Title of the Magazine, Camera angle is a Medium Closeup
Institution - The institution is the Magazine creator, in this case, myself
Ideology - Values/Morals/Messages - Promoting education to young adults
Audience - The Audience of the College Magazine is college students
Representation - The magazine represents various people from various backgrounds who come to the college, shown to be learning and equal

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Draft Piece

This Magazine Cover I have created is unusable, and is a draft, the reason it cannot be used is that the camera angle is not a Medium Closeup

Further Criticism can be brought to light, as the colour black is too bland and not exciting enough, also the Masthead is too small.