Friday 8 October 2010

This is the template I have created to use for my Magazine cover, later today I shall get the shots of my model, and then apply them to the magazine cover. I have picked Purple in order to represent the Wyke colours.

Thursday 7 October 2010


Today I plan on meeting a friend in order to retake my model shots for the College Magazine, unfortunately I am unable to use the same Model due to his recent absence from college.

Language - Medium Closeup, Masthead, Main Cover Line, Main Image
Institution - Department for Children, Schools and Families,
Ideology - Promoting good education to teacher
Audience - Teachers
Representation - Students in Uniform and working hard in order to achieve

Language - Cover Lines , Main Images, Alternate Colours, Barcode
Institution - Dancehall College
Ideology - Showing you can look good and learn at the same time
Audience - College Students, Future Students, Parents, Investors
Representation - Student dressed stylishly while holding Law books showing he is an enthuesiastic student.

LIIAR Interpretation of the Brief

Language - Masthead is the Title of the Magazine, Camera angle is a Medium Closeup
Institution - The institution is the Magazine creator, in this case, myself
Ideology - Values/Morals/Messages - Promoting education to young adults
Audience - The Audience of the College Magazine is college students
Representation - The magazine represents various people from various backgrounds who come to the college, shown to be learning and equal

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Draft Piece

This Magazine Cover I have created is unusable, and is a draft, the reason it cannot be used is that the camera angle is not a Medium Closeup

Further Criticism can be brought to light, as the colour black is too bland and not exciting enough, also the Masthead is too small.

Model Shots

Today I took photos of my model, when I got home I looked through the selection of photos that I had taken and picked the best one for the Magazine Cover, the original shots can be seen below. However I later noticed that these shots cannot be used, as the camera angle isn't a Medium Closeup.